Away We Go! is a female fronted pop-punk band from Las Vegas. They could be easily tossed into the cheesy female fronted pop-punk category, however they lean a little more towards the pop/radio rock genre. Away We Go! comes complete with a cute name and exclamnation point but they do manage to separate themselves from other bands that make the same music. First of all no syth or keyboards just two guitars, bass and drums. The music isn't all that original or complex but it does the job just fine. The strong point of the band is the lead singers unique melodies, no other singer in this genre could sing these songs the way she does. She's not the best or most versatile singer, I don't think there are many if any high notes or lows she stays right in the middle most of the time, the melodies she comes up with dominate the songs and still manage to be as catchy as anything else you've heard. This band has broken up so this is probably the only thing we'll ever hear from any of them, so I guess you can just enjoy it.
myspaceSounds Like: We Are The In Crowd, Tonight Alive
Stand Out Tracks: The Weakend, If Shes A Deceiver, Then Does That Make Me Divine
Track Listing:
1. The City Of Sin With A Twist Of Tulips
2. Thanks To The South
3. The WeakEnd
4. If Shes A Deceiver, Then Does That Make Me Divine
5. This Beat Dont Dance To Hips
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